Case Study: Meet Our Lifeline Response Team – Cameron

• Written by Roshan

Meet our Lifeline Response Team in this special Case Study. Today we are speaking to Cameron, who is one of the many call handlers who answer your alarm calls and get you the assistance you need. We asked Cameron a few questions about working in our Lifeline Response Team to give you a look at who is on the other end of the alarm.


Name: Cameron
Favourite Musician: Slowthai
Last thing you watched: Bob’s Burgers
Favourite Place: Amsterdam; a beautiful city rich with history and culture. Massive football fan so I love the atmosphere on match days round Ajax.

Being a Lifeline Emergency Call Handler, you have to adapt to different situations on a daily basis. Why did you decide to do this job?

I was excited for the challenge it brought, moving from a completely different area this job presented a new opportunity and I have always felt a sense of reward being able to help someone in a time of need.

How do you feel the Lifeline service helps people?

It provides an outlet for a generation which is sadly forgotten about in modern times. The alarms help not just for falls but helping people in a time of need, when they just need that helping hand. We provide that hand to get in touch with loved ones, dealing with day to day issues such as power cuts or just by giving that little bit of reassurance that everything will be okay.

Have you any advice for someone considering a Lifeline alarm?

A lifeline alarm is genuinely a lifeline for some people so if you are interested, I couldn’t suggest it enough. It allows many to maintain a level of independence with the assurance if something was to ever happen, they are never alone. My great grandfather has a system following a fall and he genuinely sees it as ‘a godsend.

You speak to a wide variety of people every day in the Lifeline Response Team, how do you adapt to each call?

In the Lifeline Response Team you take each call as it comes, every activation is different and so is each client, so you must treat each one with that respect. I try to go into each call with a sense of positivity to try and make a client feel better with any activation, from a mistake call to needing medical help.

What is the best part of what you do?

The connection that you can form with some customers is lovely, I have some clients who come through on the alarm who know me by name and you can hear them become chirpy and it’s the little things like that that give me the most satisfaction. It just highlights how we in the Lifeline Response Team can make a difference in someone’s life.

What do you think is important for people to know about your job?

That we can take thousands of calls every day, but we will always treat each person on the call as an individual and give them the focus they deserve. We work long hours and it can be stressful on the busiest days, but we try to never show it. It really makes our day when we hear back from our customers that we made a difference, that gratification makes everything worthwhile.

Help us, help the UK…

If you or anyone you know may be facing self-isolation alone during the COVID-19 outbreak, please refer to our service to ensure that you or they are not alone and can get help if needed. We are all in this together and please stay safe!

We have reduced the prices of our alarm plans to assist during this time. For more information about our various plans and pendant alarms, visit here or call our Customer Service Team on 0800 999 0400 today.

LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
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