Top 5 Energy Saving Tips To Keep Warm This Winter

• Written by Ben Jacklin

When the weather turns colder, you might need to find some inventive ways of keeping yourself warm, but just throwing money at the problem can cause its own issues so that is why we have compiled a list of the top 5 energy saving tips. Turning the heating up to the highest can sometimes be extremely expensive, and some forms of heaters cost a lot of money to run. In this article, we’re looking at the ways you can save money while keeping your home warm. How can you stay warmer but not face expensive energy bills at the end of the month? These tips are great for the environment as well as being great for your bank balance.

Tackle any draught

The first in our list of energy saving tips focuses on an issue we have all had to deal with as home owners or renters and that is draught. Many homes have a lot of places that the hot air can escape, and cold air work its way in. Even if you don’t realise it, just a small area, such as underneath a door, can cause big issues. They can lower the temperature drastically.

Draught excluders can be bought for all sorts of areas in your home including under the door, around windows and even for things like cat flaps, where the heat can escape your house. A quick online shop can find some draught excluders, but if you need to improvise, blankets under the bottom of a door, or even unused pillows can stop the draught.

Concentrate heat in important areas

If you think about how much of your home you spend a lot of time in, there are probably a couple of areas where you are for most of the day. This can be your bedroom and your living space, for example.

If heaters are on in spare rooms, hallways and large rooms you don’t spend a lot of time in, you might be throwing money at heating rooms that aren’t going to benefit you. If you find that you have to turn the heating up in one room, see if you can turn the radiators off in another room, for example. You might be able to ensure you spend more time in one or two rooms and make these nice and warm. Turning heaters off might sound like one of the simpler energy saving tips but you would be surprised how often it is overlooked.

Treat yourself to new (warm) clothes

We’re not suggesting sitting indoors in your coat. There are all sorts of clothes you can buy designed to lock in the heat. Thermal layers and underwear can make a huge difference and keep you exceptionally warm even during the coldest months. They also mean if you have to venture into the cooler rooms of your home, you won’t feel the cold as much.

Lots of manufacturers of activewear make specific clothes that are built for warmth. Wrapping up warm should be the first step you take, and can keep you very comfortable too.

Invest in insulation

Around ¼ of all of the heat in your home is lost through the roof. Insulating can be an extra expense up front, but in the longer term it can save you a lot of money. It means you can get the same temperature within your home without having to spend so much, and makes you much more energy efficient.

There are sometimes schemes offered by government to help with the cost of your insulation. It makes such a difference to the environment that governments are often willing to subsidise, so check what is available in your area.

You probably won’t be able to do this job yourself, but insulation in the loft can be a relatively short job for a tradesperson, especially if they are topping up the insulation rather than totally replacing it. Either way – this is one of those energy saving tips you won’t want to miss and will provide more efficient heating for your home in the long run.

Get the boiler serviced

If your boiler isn’t functioning properly, it can be eating up energy without you getting the benefits! Your boiler is probably integral to your heating, and though they can last for around 15 years before needing to be replaced, you should get them serviced every year.

If your boiler is getting older, you might also need to look at a replacement. This sounds daunting, and they are not cheap, but modern options can be far more efficient. This can save you money over time.

Boilers can also need to be insulated, you might be able to get this done as part of the service.

These energy saving tips are basic but can save you money in the long run. There’s nothing wrong with the old methods of extra layers and hot water bottles, though! Keep an eye on your energy bills to avoid a nasty shock entering the coldest months.

Be safe this winter…

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