Useful Supplements for Older People

• Written by Josh

The use of supplements has increased significantly in the last decade as people look to meet the requirements of good health and defy the ageing process. In the UK there are a range of specialist health food stores which stock a whole host of different supplements.

According to current statistics, the UK market for dietary supplements and vitamins is worth more than £1.4 billion (2022). But which supplements do you need? Which ones are good for you and how much should you be taking?

Today’s article will explain when and how you should take certain supplements and the benefits that they will bring.

Before You Take Supplements

Supplements are generally considered to help decrease the risk of some medical conditions and to complete what may be missing from your diet. In many cases, older people’s diets lack a sufficient number of calories to cover the essential nutrients.

Before taking any supplements it is important that you speak with your doctor. If misused, supplements can be dangerous and also leave you out of pocket.

A high dosage can do more harm than good, especially if you’re taking medication. If you’re taking too many vitamin supplements, your kidneys will simply flush out what your body doesn’t need, which could mean that your expensive supplements end up going straight down the toilet.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for your muscle and bones. You can usually find Vitamin D in oily fish such as mackerel and salmon, as well as in eggs. Your body will also produce Vitamin D from direct sunlight, though our body can become less efficient at producing Vitamin D as we age.

Vitamin D is important in the fight against osteoporosis and other conditions. It is advised that everybody over 65 has a supplement of 10 micrograms of Vitamin D during the autumn and winter months to make sure that your body has enough. The following people should definitely consider Vitamin D:

  • Those who wear long clothes and don’t allow sunlight to hit their skin.
  • Those who don’t go outside often, such as people with mobility difficulties.
  • Those in an institution such as a care home.

You need to make sure that you don’t take more than 25 micrograms (mg) per day as this could be harmful to your body. It could lead to the build up of too much calcium in your body, which can weaken your bones and damage your kidneys and heart.

You should also remember not to remain in the sunshine for long periods of time during the summer months. This can increase the risk of skin cancer.

Vitamin B12

As we get older it becomes harder to absorb Vitamin B12, which can be found in meat, cheese, milk, eggs, and fish such as cod and salmon. A Vitamin B12 deficiency could put you at risk of anaemia or neurological issues such as memory loss.

It is suggested that adults aged between 19 and 64 need around 1.5mg a day of Vitamin B12. Taking a supplement of two micrograms or less is unlikely to cause any harm to your body. Sticking to a varied and balanced diet is the best way of boosting the levels of vitamin B12 in your body.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps your body’s natural defence against illness and infection to work correctly. It also helps your eyes to cope in dim light and keeps your skin and the lining of some parts of your body healthy.

It can be found in foods such as cheese, eggs, oily fish, milk, and liver products. Liver pâté is a particularly rich source of Vitamin A, so you need to make sure that you don’t have this more than once a week.

The amount of Vitamin A that you need is 0.7mg (male) or 0.6mg (female) per day. Having more than an average of 1.5mg a day of vitamin A over many years may affect your bones, making them more likely to fracture when you’re older.

Many multivitamins contain Vitamin A. Other supplements, such as fish liver oil, are also high in Vitamin A. You need to make sure that to don’t exceed the 1.5mg limit in order to remain healthy.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C can be found in a wide variety of fruit and vegetables, which is why is it important to follow your five-a-day rule. It helps your body to repair itself and can help to strengthen the immune system. Some people choose to take Vitamin C supplements to fight the common cold, though this has not proven to be effective.

It is said that adults aged between 19-64 need 40mg of Vitamin C per day. Taking large amounts of more than 1,000mg per day can cause problems, such as stomach pains, diarrhoea, and flatulence.

A healthy diet should mean that you don’t need to take many Vitamin C supplements.


Iron is very important for your red blood cells, which carry oxygen around your body. An iron deficiency can cause you to feel tired and have a lack of energy on a regular basis, as well as a shortness of breath and heart palpitations.

A good source of Iron can be found in red meat, eggs, wholegrain, beans, nuts, and seeds. Suggested amounts for Iron are:

  • Men over 18 – 8.7mg per day.
  • Women aged 19-50 – 14.8mg per day.
  • Women aged over 50 – 8.7mg.

Older people should not routinely supplement with iron unless they have a known reason for iron deficiency, such as a recent operation which involved blood loss or those who have a vegan diet. Having this issue when you’re over the age of 50 can be a sign of an underlying health problem, which should be investigated by your doctor.

A high dose of iron is considered to be over 20mg, and can cause problems such as vomiting, stomach pains, and constipation. Very high doses of iron can be fatal, particularly if taken by children, so always keep iron supplements out of the reach of children.


Calcium helps to build strong bones and teeth, helps blood to clot normally, and regulates muscle contractions. A lack of calcium can lead to conditions such as osteomalacia or osteoporosis in later life.

Sources of calcium can be found in dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yoghurts. It can also be found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, and fish such as sardines where you eat the bones. It is recommended that we all have 700mg of calcium a day.

A high dose of calcium (more than 1500mg a day) can lead to stomach pains and diarrhoea. Eating three to four portions of dairy products a day should be enough for your body’s needs. Supplements are commonly suggested to help those who have an increased risk of a fracture.


Iodine can be found is sea fish and shellfish and helps to make thyroid hormones, which help to keep your cells and the body’s metabolic rate healthy. Adults are advised to have 0.14mg of iodine a day, which can be achieved through a varied and balanced diet.

Having too much iodine can change the way your thyroid glands work, which can trigger several symptoms such as weight gain. Taking 0.5mg or less a day of iodine supplements is unlikely to cause any harm.

Stay Safe

Having a personal alarm in your home could be essential if you are living with health conditions that require medical supplements. One push of your pendant button will send an alert through to our 24-hour Response Team, who will respond immediately and arrange help by informing your emergency contacts.

For more information about our life-saving service, please get in touch with our friendly team on 0800 999 0400. Alternatively, complete our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Editor’s Note: This article was updated on 4th November 2022 to reflect current information.

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